Monday, 9 October 2017

Spider Grab- Toddler Friendly Activities

Carrying on the theme of Halloween, we've been playing a new sensory game this week- Spider Grab!

The whole thing only cost around £2.50 and took less than five minutes to put together, and Isla has been playing with it for days now.

I found this small storage basket in Poundland, as well as the crochet wool/string and some spiders. I weaved the string through the holes and then placed the spiders in the bottom of the basket.

The idea is that the string makes it quite challenging to collect the spiders as they get tangled, and with it being pulled taut Isla had to weave her hand around to reach the bottom. It's a lovely activity to help develop fine motor skills and to develop problem solving skills.

With the spiders and the string "web" it's a lovely themed activity for the season. We've also tried putting conkers in the bottom, and doing it timed! You can also make it harder by adding more string or using tweezers instead of fingers.

Halloween is getting so close now!

Steph xo


  1. Ooo I love this idea, going to look for a basket to do something similar

  2. I'm a nursery practitioner and I love this idea for the children I work with! Thank you :)

  3. What a great idea, we have loads of yarn as I’m a crochet fiend so will be trying this x

  4. My guys would LOVE this! Threenager especially! Most likely because they know how much spiders freak me out! ����


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